Ultra-Rare Tier: “Holy Relics of the Flying One” (42 items)
The NFT’s in this tier aren’t your average JPEGs; they’re a visual representation of the most holy elements from The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
From the beer volcano to the stripper factory, every NFT in this collection is a piece of saucy enlightenment. For the smooth-brained skeptics, we’ve included references to GoFSM for “educational purposes”—because FSM knows your dumb ass needs all the help it can get.
These NFTs are not just collector’s items—they’re mandatory for any true sheep of FSM’s flock. And FSM rewards His most devoted sheep handsomely. Want more details? Stop doom scrolling and check the early adopter program before you miss out. Only the boldest apes and the most degenerate believers can truly appreciate what the Ultra-Rare Collection represents. Own one, and you’re no longer a follower—you’re a minister of the sacred sauce. rAmen.