Rare Tier: “Pastalogues” (166 items)
The NFT’s in this tier aren’t just art—they’re marinara-laced proof FSM is the one true creator. For centuries, elites have desperately hidden His influence, knowing their power would collapse if His chaotic pranks came to light. Not anymore. This collection rewrites the script with His noodly interferences on full display. Some NFTs pull from GoFSM, so check the references in the descriptions- you might learn something, dipshit.
Owning one of these rare beauties isn’t just a flex—it’s handsomely rewarded under our early adopter program, because FSM is truly generous. The only question is, will you be brave enough to own a piece of the truth and be part of the rebellion, or will you continue to be a clueless, whiny, scared little cunt? rAmen.